Jeya Spices believes in making your own spices too! Make a basic rempah with this bundle of the essentials. 500g Serai (Lemongrass) 500g Dry chilli 500g Ginger 400g Shallot 400g Garlic 250g Candlenut (Buah Keras) 300g Lengkuas (Galangal) 100g Fresh Turmeric (Kunyit)
Jeya Spices believes in making your own spices too! Make a basic rempah with this bundle of the essentials. 100g Serai (Lemongrass) 100g Dry chilli 100g Ginger 200g Shallot 200g Garlic 50g Candlenut (Buah Keras) 100g Lengkuas (Galangal) 2 inch Fresh Turmeric (Kunyit)
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